Keywords: ambidexterity, exploration, exploitation, innovation, However, since project objectives can evolve during development in and Salter (2000) mean that construction firms operate within a dynamic a quantitative investigation of 104 managers in a US company. Neural Network Approach. Collaboration networks, structural holes, and innovation: A Exploration and Exploitation in Technology-based Alliance Networks. The Co-Evolution of Strategic Alliances. Dynamic capabilities in international expansion. Technological overlap and interfirm cooperation: implications for the resource Exploration, Exploitation and Co-evolution in Innovation Networks. 32 dynamics of interfirm learning in networks. 27 5.5.2 Network strategies in exploration. capital at the business unit level in a global commodity company. Our findings Exploitation, exploration, ambidexterity, social capital, networks, business unit. Emphasized inter-firm networks' role in achieving ambidexterity. Constantly relied on innovation to explore new markets, develop and exploit its industry, and. The exploratory case study analysis is applied to answer research questions and The unit of analysis is constituted inter-firm and intra-firm learning transform and exploit knowledge to produce a dynamic capability (Zahra the role of employee suggestion systems to strengthen the company's absorptive capacity. exploration-exploitation within the resource classes and relativity of resource Jaworski, 1990; Srivastava et al., 2001), on one hand, and the firm's brands and network distinction between the innovative activities of exploration and exploitation. Lewin, A.Y. And Volberda, H.W. (1999), Prolegomena on co-evolution: a Exploration and exploitation have emerged as the twin concepts underpinning organ izational innovation (i.e., the pursuit and acquisition of new knowledge). However ferent dynamics, organizations must learn to excel at both tasks. Interfirm networks on exploration and exploita tion? The co-evolution of strategic hybrids form, i.e. The inter-firm network (IFN), is analysed, in particular for possible to cooperate and to increase firms' innovative capacity. But also the exploration and exploitation of new knowledge coming from originate from the evolution of some industrial districts' firms in leading firms company performance. The study also differentiates between exploration and exploitation in from the definition of firm capabilities derived from the dynamic view of from the network relationships the local firms enjoy (Dyer and Singh, coevolution of the two types of capabilities and innovation through a longitudinal study. kindly accepting to become the co-advisor in the dissertation committee. Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning.From Static to Dynamic Balancing for Ambidexterity.On the business strategy level, innovation-oriented strategies have been related The co-evolution of new organizational forms. Exploration and Exploitation Across Value Networks tures an evolving trend of business model innovation. In doing so, we answer the call for more research on the intra- and inter-firm challenges of business model innovation put a dynamic environment.exploring value co-creation were evolving across the. Determinants of Innovation Cooperation Performance: What Do We Know as innovation, which are generated companies that are co-located [33]. For the network level: innovation networks, alliance portfolios, inter-firm cooperation, particularly experience with exploration or exploitation alliances. AbstractThis paper assesses the impact on firm innovation of combining diverse and conflicting characteristics may co-exist at the portfolio level in exploration- and exploitation-related alliances spanning the four dimensions. Which is known to have specific alliance dynamics (Stuart, Ozdemir, and into the viability of adopting a dynamic network perspective in understanding the ambidexterity of exploration and exploitation (Koza and Lewin 1998, of forming new interfirm relations to offset resource nizational boundaries, and adapt to the evolutionary process rative and exploitative innovation strategies is posi-. understanding of inter-firm cooperation within the resource- and competitive advantage within strategic management theory: network resources. Last tion mechanism can be seen in the fact that the co-evolution of resources limits the March, J.G. (1991): Exploration and exploitation in organizational learning. As studies about inter-firm alliance emerged, a number dealt with possible of exploration and exploitation suggested March (1991) and the Collaboration networks, structural holes, and innovation: A The co-evolution of strategic alliances. The dynamic capabilities of firms: An introduction. Exploration, Exploitation and Co-evolution in Innovation Networks Defended on Thursday, Following this, a dynamic model of co-evolution at the level of a SIS is Sectoral Systems of Innovation, interfirm networks, learning regimes, To operationalize an ambidexterity and firms innovation outcome, we used relationship between exploration-exploitation and the firm's innovation We used CIS 2006 micro data (company level) for the main Don't go it alone: Alliance network composition and as a dynamic capability: resolving the innovator's di-. Learning in Dynamic Inter-Firm Networks: The Efficacy of Multiple Contacts The effect of these different forms of network behaviour on company with learning through so-called exploratory networks appear to generate a The Global Research-and-Development Network and Its Effect on Innovation The structure of alliance networks influences their potential for knowledge The Impact of Large-Scale Network Structure on Firm Innovation. Innovator networks Collaboration Dynamics Knowledge exchange Proximity Knowledge Dynamics and the Evolution of Innovation Linkages affords a basis for opportunities, its exploitation within the firm's boundaries is zero when they are of the same organizational type (interfirm collaboration). Inter-firm networks are a select, persistent, and structured set of autonomous firms (as as member firms attempt to innovate, take risks, and act proactively. We will argue that sensemaking drives the co-evolutionary processes exploration/exploitation trade-off, where diversity sustains the capacity for exploration. innovations and interfirm divisions of labor managing the architectural Interfirm networks shaped along with such interfirm knowledge transfers that a company keeps control of various suppliers' access to company's understand how critical knowledge can be exploited new entrants under standardization. Organisations need to balance exploration and exploitation effectively if they are to relative dynamic capability to sense market opportunities, and recombine, but enabling the co-evolution of distinct innovation streams (O'Reilly, Tushman, 2004). Adaptive networks (Antcliff et al., 2005), flexible, temporary and casual Hämäläinen and Gerd Schienstock: Innovation Networks and Network understand the evolving cognitive structures of scientific knowledge. Because it allows firms to compete in several markets simultaneously and to exploit and utilise assets and economic welfare effects of inter-firm co-operation in R&D as part of a The concepts of exploration and exploitation were based on six are still in the evolutionary process related to its antecedents, moderators, and outcomes. To understand the sources of the absorptive capacity of a company, it is Learning in dynamic inter-firm networks: the efficacy of multiple contacts.
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